Visitation/ Visites
Ceremony/ Cérémonie
My condolences to Paul and family ,she will be missed, a wonderful woman , I remember the meals we had together , and the movie nights , and the recipes you shared with me. I still make them to this day , and I shall wear the pearls you gave me on my wedding day . As you requested . Joanne D
Mes condoléances à toi chère Chantal, à ton père et toute ta famille. Que Dieu accueille l'âme de ta mère dans son amour infini. Qu'elle puisse enfin participer à cette fête éternelle! Elle sera toujours présente dans vos coeurs.
Sincere condolences to you Chantalle, Sylvain and your family. You are all being lifted up in prayer for comfort at this very difficult time. Jacqui and Bev
I met Nicole a few years ago I was shocked when I heard Nicole had passed away R.I.P. those of us who knew you will miss your smile
Je vais me rappeler de tante Nicolle surtout pour sa bonne humeur et son rire contagieux!! Je me rappelle également toutes les belles choses qu’elle confectionnait de ses mains, en particulier un beau pyjama en polar qu’elle m’avait fait quand j’étais enfant, wow!! Cher Paul, Chantal et famille, sachez que je vous porte dans mon coeur durant cette période difficile. Je demande à Dieu de vous donner le courage d’aller de l’avant malgré la douleur. Avec amour et sympathies xox
So sorry for the passing of Nicole(Nicky), We will miss her friendly smile and all the good times we had together. Every time I start a project ,I will be certain to think of her. We always had fun, sewing, knitting. R,I,P Sweetie.
A Tree of Remembrance was planted in the McAlpine Forever Forest by Mark and Lisa Henderson and the staff of Hillcrest Funeral Home.
So sorry for your loss Paul. My deepest condolences to you and your family.
So sorry for your loss Paul. Our deepest condolences to you and your family in this difficult time.
Lise (Guindon) and Paul Seguin.
So sorry for your loss Paul. Our deepest condolences to you & your family.
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